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Conditioning is King

Morning Workout: 20 minutes Dynamic Mobility Warm-up 10×20 seconds Sprints Flat Surface + 20 seconds Rest Then: 10x Incline Steps Sprints + Jog down to recover…

Valentine Rawat 23/05/2011

Group Bodyweight HIIT

Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in the name of comfort has killed more ideas, more opportunities, more actions, and more growth than everything else combined.…

Valentine Rawat 16/05/2011

Saturday Strength Seminar

This saturday was spent at Strength & Performance Manchester with Zoran Dubaic, Sean Keefe and Matt Wichlinski amongst other great trainers that were present.…

Valentine Rawat 14/05/2011

Restoration Work

Yoga Self Myofascial Release

Valentine Rawat 14/05/2011

Animal Body Weight Circuit

Dynamic Warm-up Then: Crab Walk Forwards + Crab Walk Backwards + 10x Double Crunches 5 minutes work followed by 1 minute Then: Bear Crawl Forwards + Bear Crawl Backwards…

Valentine Rawat 09/05/2011

Combat Training

HARD WORK ALWAYS PAYS OFF. Warm-up 10 minutes of Skipping Dynamic Stretching Then: 30 seconds Sit-ups + 30 seconds Press-ups + 30 seconds Deck Squats + 30 seconds…

Valentine Rawat 15/04/2011

Underground Bodyweight Strength Workout

Dynamic Warm-up Then: 15 minutes Skipping Then: 50x Pull-ups 50x Rings Dips 50x Hanging Leg Raises break 90 degrees 50x Box Jumps 50x Jump Overs (with hands on the…

Valentine Rawat 14/04/2011

Group Outdoor Training - Roundhay Park

Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10x Squats (start point)+ 1x Hill Sprint (incline approx. 45 degrees, distance approx. 100m) + 10x Hindu Push-ups (at the top) 10 rounds Rest…

Valentine Rawat 13/04/2011

Group MetCon Workout

“Research conducted by Stanford psychology professor, Carol Dweck has shown that most people have one of two types of “MINDSET”: FIXED MINDSET or GROWTH…

Valentine Rawat 11/04/2011

Friday's High Octane

“Fit people produce much more glycerol after a workout than someone who is not in as good of shape. Glycerol levels are an indicator of fat breakdown. Fit…

Valentine Rawat 08/04/2011

Group Kettlebells Jump Rope Workout

Without a struggle, there can be no progress. Frederick Douglass Dynamic Warm-up Then: Partner 1: 2 handed Swing + 1 handed Swing Left + 1 handed Swing Right + Hand…

Valentine Rawat 06/04/2011

Champions Conditioning Workout

CHAMPIONS ARE MADE, they aren’t born. Wake up look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself how badly do you want it. Visualise your self and then start…

Valentine Rawat 30/03/2011

Kshatriya Workout

Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Followed by: The workout 3 rounds – 30 seconds each exercise including active rest Front Power Lunges + Rear Power Lunges + Lateral…

Valentine Rawat 28/03/2011

High-Octane Combat Conditioning

Dynamic Warm-up Then: 20x KB Swings (go heavy) + 20x Quick Steps + 20x Bastard Burpees to Pull-ups + 20x Hammer Work (over head – change hand position half…

Valentine Rawat 25/03/2011

Power Strength Endurance

Dynamic Warm-up Then: Air Squats + Pull-up 10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, 6/5, 5/6, 4/7, 3/8, 2/9, 1/10 reps Then: Rest Then: 5x Deadlifts 150% of your own Bodyweight + 10x…

Valentine Rawat 22/03/2011

High-Octane Body Weight Conditioning

Gymless Gym… Train where you like when you like and no equipment is required. The two workout below are great conditioning drills for almost any combat athlete.…

Valentine Rawat 21/03/2011
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