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So if I eat fresh organic local produce and cook from scratch then does that equate to Paleo? Damn right, NO it does not cause thats just the way it should be and in the old days before everyone became an excellent marketer it was called CLEAN LIVING. Its not paleo until someone coined that terminology and the rest are jumped in on the bandwagon to make as much money as they can. Paleolithic people ate when the food was there and sometimes went hungry when the food was scarce. Thats not the case anymore, food is here in abundance and did not make cookie from coconuts in Europe cause coconuts only existed in tropical lands which were undiscovered by paleolithic people in europe. They also ate the brains, hearts and drank the blood of their fresh kill. When was the last time you did that? Never… So eat well without creating useless labels.

Now if I train hard and vary my intensity from workout to workout does that equate to Crossfit? No numb nuggets it does not. Its simply called variety. And yes it is fucking preplanned. No I am not following linear perodization or congutate method but I am not training blindly. I do not train for a specific sport at the moment but I am in it for relative strength endurance that can support my family for the long haul. But I do train people with specific goals as well they are getting great results with my variety training and I do not call it RAWFIT bollocks. Its just training without labels. I am sure they will at some stage but no one can copy right an exercise or a sequence of exercises.

I am not here to follow the latest trends. I am too old for that shit now. Hashtag your ass out of this but and stick to the simplicity of it all. Do what works, without ego and stick your middle finger up at labels. My competition is being the best damn me I can be ever single fucking day. God willing I will till my last breath.

So to end, I fucking hate labels, including my own. Its just a name and too many folks get bogged down in names. Its what you put in it that counts. paleo, crossfit , body building, clean eating, train hard, principles, training, fitness,

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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