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Matt one of our members mentioned a 1000 reps workout challenge in 1 hour just before our training session this evening. So instead of working for time in our group session we decided, hell lets do everything for reps and so this is how it went.
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
Group 1
10x Press-ups
30x Mountain Climbers
10x Hindu Push-ups
30x Burps
4 Rounds minimal rest between exercises and rounds
3 minutes rest
Group 2
20x Squats
20x Bootstrappers
20x Forward Lunges
20x Jack Knife Deadlift
4 Rounds minimal rest between exercises and rounds
3 minutes rest
Group 3
10x Crunches
10x Reverse Crunches
10x Back Extensions
30x Dead Cockroaches
5 Rounds with minimal rest between exercises and rounds
3 minutes rest
Cool down and Stretch and Mobility Drills

All warm-up and cool down was done under an hour. So to total it all up:
Group 1: #320
Group 2: #320
Group 3: #300
Total: #940
Damn it we missed out by 60 reps. Well we’ll have to do it the next time round. Did I hear someone say Burpees; 60 burpees it is. The total workout took around 45 minutes including rest. I have to add that there is a lot of emphasis on beasting workouts these days. And to much of an extent this training session may appear the same to the reader. However the group most of the members in this group have been with training with Rawfit group sessions anything from 3 months – 3 years. This was a little bit of fun as well as a serious training session. Remember above all maintain high quality form (especially when doing bodyweight stuff like this) and rest as often as you need to.

Leeds Group Session, Group personal training session Leeds, RAWFIT Personal Training
This is what everyone felt like.

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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