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Dedication and consistency is something that comes out of my mouth a lot amongst other dribbles. I also discuss the five P’s of Life – Patience, Persistence,…

Valentine Rawat 27/11/2019
Herculean Strength

Herculean Strength

“It is not about daily increase, but daily decrease. Hack away unessentials.”—Bruce Lee.

Valentine Rawat 17/08/2017
When do you stop training?

When do you stop training?

I turned in 40 in late 2016. By I, I mean Val, not the dude in this video above. The very cool dude above is Jean Titus. You can find him on instragram @titusunlimited…

Valentine Rawat 06/08/2017
Rugby Training Motivation

Rugby Training Motivation

There is more to strength training than looking like a musclebound Justin Bieber, bench pressing a small family car and eating your body weight in chicken breast.…

Valentine Rawat 09/05/2017


“We’re all circling the drain every day of our lives. That’s a given. Eat shitty food and avoid exercise, and you get larger. The more you sit still the harder…

Valentine Rawat 26/11/2015
Yes you deserve to live life to the fullest

Yes you deserve to live life to the fullest

While contemplating which trainer to work with in your local area, consider the following… Yes almost all personal trainers will provide a safe exercise programme…

Valentine Rawat 24/09/2014


It continually astounds me how many people consciously choose mediocrity. They claim that they are seeking excellence, but they won’t follow proper progressions.…

Valentine Rawat 26/08/2014
Desiderata - Max Ehrmann

Desiderata - Max Ehrmann

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak…

Valentine Rawat 12/08/2014
Indian Jori

Indian Jori

In these modern times, people love to go to gym for aesthetically pleasing body shape. They all love to drink protein powder shakes and inject steroids, but after…

Valentine Rawat 10/08/2014


Everybody starting off with this guru story right? Football programs, basketball programs, swimming programs, listen to me- Everybody and their mamma are talking…

Valentine Rawat 10/07/2014
Success & Daily Practice

Success & Daily Practice

Long terms success comes from hard training, focus and the will to keep moving forward. Let me tell you something for nothing, none of it is easy and it never will…

Valentine Rawat 28/03/2014
Happy New Year - 2014

Happy New Year - 2014

Happy New Year. May you be as strong as last year and some. May you be faster than speeding bullet. May you be lean and maintain it all year round. It’s all…

Valentine Rawat 01/01/2014
I fucking hate labels

I fucking hate labels

So if I eat fresh organic local produce and cook from scratch then does that equate to Paleo? Damn right, NO it does not cause thats just the way it should be and…

Valentine Rawat 01/11/2013
Remember WHY You Started

Remember WHY You Started

Every journey starts with enthusiasm and with a premise to never to give up. Sometimes that can wain and when that does you have got to remember WHY you stated the…

Valentine Rawat 06/10/2013
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