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I am a father of a beautiful 6 month old daughter. She has been a true joy from the moment she was born.

But one thing that I am sure all fathers can agree on, is it hits you like a ton of bricks. Even if you think you are ready for it, you never really are. Look at this post for example, I have been meaning to write this for a long while but what with business and home commitments, along side lots of sleepless nights and of course the nappy changes its tough sometimes. I am not one for making excuses but I have to admit that when ever there was a free moment I wanted to catch up on some R&R.

My own workouts over the last 6 months did take a back step somewhat (again I know, you might be thinking here is a guy that talks about “No excuses, No Shortcuts, No Bullshit, sure is making a lot of them). Where I used to train a for 4 hours a week at a minimum along side squeezing in 15-20 minutes here and there in my group sessions, dropped down to a bare minimum. So this is for all the new daddy’s, papa’s or good old fashioned father’s out there.

Rannoch Donald of Simple Strength and 100 Rep Challenge and Andy McKenzie of IronMac Fitness and Iron Disciple inspired me to really simplify my training till my heart is content. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify. That is not to say easy…

We need to embrace our imperfect selves. Better to do 20 push ups than beat yourself up over a missed work out. And the fact is, if we create a habit of movement, opportunities for every day activity present themselves. It’s cumulative, it’s incremental and it’s sustainable. But the main thing is to “do”. There is no better motivation than taking action and there is no simpler way than to get back in touch with our bodies. Push, pull, squat, walk, run, breathe. And most of all, you and everyone around you benefits from the habits you create.” Rannoch Donald 

So with that in mind and what I have learned from Rannoch and Andy I put things into practice.

Here are few examples of some of the simple workouts carried out over the last few weeks. You may need some equipment like kettlebells, and pull-up bars/dip station, but if you do have them then not to worry your body is a effective tool and can provide great resistance when you want to. Most of the workouts take very little time, especially on days when I’m looking after my daughter and she is having morning or afternoon nap, it allows me 20-30 minutes to get plenty of things done, catch up emails, facebook, write programmes for clients sessions…

Leeds Personal Training, Home Fitness, In home personal training leeds, no excusesDaddy’s workout 1:
10 press-ups
5 burpees
10 squats
5 Burpees
Repeat 3-5 times.
Rest as and when you need to.

Daddy’s workout 2:
10 dips
5 pull-ups
10 dips
5 chin-ups
Repeat 3-5 times.
Rest as and when you need to.

Daddy’s workout 3:
50 hindu press-ups
50 hindu squats
Break it down how you will.

Daddy’s workout 4:
20 kettlebell swings
20 kettlebell goblet reverse lunges
10 kettlebell goblet overhead press
Repeat 2-4 times.
Rest as and when you need to.

Daddy’s workout 5:
In your office some time to kill…
Chair dips
Rear leg elevated split squat
Desk inverted rows/or desk pseudo planche press-ups
As many reps as you can.

Daddy’s workout 6:
Travelling away from home and staying in a hotel with no gym facility and really limited space …
10 dive bombers
10 door frame pull-ups
10 close grip press-ups
30 squats
50 mountain climbers
Repeat 2-4 times.

Daddy’s workout 7:
Back home with your wife, baby and a puppy. It’s sunday and you are shattered but the sun is out. I suggest as a family go out for a long walk. I live in West Yorkshire so I am fortunate enough to have plenty of green land areas to walk in but for those of you living in an urban jungle, I still suggest getting out, have a good brisk walk for 30 minutes or so and you will be sure to clear out the cob webs.

That is how I am rolling these days. Simplicity is the key when it comes to getting things done.

I hope that all new fathers reading this are enjoying fatherhood as much as I am. Remember our kids will look up to us, so lets be good role models by at least doing one thing right and looking after our health and strength. I certainly looked up to my father who was a great a boxer and a physically strong man. I still look up to him now as a retired young man of 66, who spends his waking hours looking after helpless animals and people in India. Using his own pension money to do that. I have a lot to live up to.

So go out and be great role models. We owe it to our kids. Show them there is plenty of beauty left in the world. With fathers day just round the corner let’s get cracking.

Father's Day, workout ideas for fathers,

My father with the old school moustache going out for walk with his granddaughter for the first time. He is my hero and I hope to be a great role model for my daughter. It was April and officially in british summer time but the snow was just round the corner.

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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