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Friday 5-2-2010

Friday 5-2-2010


Dynamic Warm up
10x Hi-Pull 16kg KB Left +
10x Hi-Pull 16kg KB Right +
2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 +
1:00 Plank
1:00 Rest
10x Press 16kg KB Left +
10x Press 16kg KB Right +
2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 +
1:00 Right Side Plank
1:00 Rest
10x Snatch 16kg KB Left +
10x Snatch 16kg KB Right +
2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 +
1:00 Left Side Plank
1:00 Rest
5 minute Total Rest (including 3rd-2min Rest period above)
10x Over-Head Walking Lunge 16kg KB Left +
10x Over-Head Walking Lunge 16kg KB Right +
2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 +
1:00 Plank
1:00 Rest
10x Over Head Squats 16kg KB Left +
10x Over Head Squats 16kg KB Right +
2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 +
1:00 Right Side Plank
1:00 Rest
10x Over-Head Walking Lunge 16kg KB Left +
10x Over-Head Walking Lunge 16kg KB Right +
2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 +
1:00 Left Side Plank
1:00 Rest
5 minute Total Rest (including 3rd-2min Rest period above)
25x Ball Slam @ 5kg
25x Ball Chest Press @ 5kg
Two rounds
Cool down and Stretch

Today’s training is inspired somewhat by IWT:

Developed by Pat O’Shea in 1969 and refined during the two following decades. A complete paper on the subject was published in the NSCA journal in 1987. Typically an IWT session involves a set of 8-12 reps of an “athletic lift” immediately chased with two minutes of free aerobic exercise @ 90-95% of capacity, followed by two minutes of rest. This is repeated for a total of three sets after which the athlete is rewarded with a 5-minute break. The first phase is repeated though the lift and the free exercise are changed. Recovery periods are the same. Phase three involves a circuit of complementary movements, often using bodyweight, with 4-12 reps and 3-10 rounds. IWT workouts may be scaled toward a particular fitness characteristic. For an endurance emphasis we increase the duration of the free exercise period to three minutes and reduce the rest period, all lifts are done with lighter loads and higher reps. To focus on power development we increase loads for the athletic lifts and reduce the reps, scale back the chasing aerobic exercise period (sometimes) and increase the rest periods to ensure “full” recovery.
The above description from Gym Jones.

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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