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Friday Yoga 18-12-09

Friday 18-12-09


What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient Indian philosophy that enhances personal growth and well being. Although a systemic philosophical approach, yoga is not a religion, but complementary with most spiritual paths. The physical aspect of Yoga (Hatha Yoga) use poses and focused breathing, requiring concentration and discipline. The result is a greater union of mind, body and spirit. Anyone, regardless or body type, age, experience, or physical abilities, can practice yoga.

What isn’t yoga?
Yoga is not a religion
Yoga is not contortionism
Yoga is not staring at a candle and breathing incense
Yoga is not only for supple young people
Yoga is not just lying around relaxing

Why do yoga?
The benefits:
The practice that does it all
Creates both flexibility and strength
Creates cardiovascular health
Creates mental clarity and focus
Creates emotional balance
Is safe for all ages and body types
Facilitates healing from injuries
Is a wonderful way to create wellness

You weight train to gain strength, jog or do aerobics for a cardiovascular workout, practice tai-chi to develop a sense of balance and harmony, stretch to gain flexibility, and meditate to develop peace of mind and relaxation. Perhaps you are wondering if a form of exercise exists which gives you everything: strength, endurance, balance, flexibility, and relaxation? There is! Purna Yoga™ is the only complete form of bodywork that does it all. Indeed, yoga is more than stretching and relaxation: it is the ultimate mind-body challenge.
Yoga is a tool for gaining body-mind awareness to enhance whatever spiritual/religious beliefs you have. A typical class will leave you felling energized and relaxed. You will work your muscles and will properly align your bones; you will breath deeply, oxygenating the lungs and blood; you will experience true deep relaxation. By bringing awareness to the body, and working the muscles, you are able to more deeply relax them then from any other form of exercise. This is why you feel so good after a yoga class, rather than an aerobics class, because you are deepening your awareness of and appreciation for your bodies.

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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