Heart & Lung Training = This is a cardio session the fighters way or any one involved in anything other that the global commercial chain gyms. Here we work our heart, lungs and move in ways that create maximum burn. This will also create mental toughness, which is the key component in every day life.
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
2×20 Ball/Box Body weight Squats
60 seconds x Alternate Rope Undulation +
10x Jump Squats
3 rounds minimal rest
60 seconds x Double Rope Undulation +
15x Resistance Band Face Pull – Rotary Cuff rotation
3 rounds minimal rest
60 seconds x Ball Slams +
20x Ball Chest Pass
3 rounds minimal rest
2×5 minutes Continuos KB Work (Snacth, Swing, Clean & Jerks, Juggling Drills etc…)
Rest 2 minutes in between rounds
Cool down