Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
3×10 Box Jumps
3×10 Jump Squat
3×5 Tuck Jump
5x Sprinters Lunges
60 seconds all out
30 seconds rest in Extended Plank Hold
Followed by:
5x Rope Undulation
60 seconds all out
30 seconds rest in Dead Hang
5x Ball Slams
60 seconds all out
30 seconds rest in Horse Stance
5x 6 Point Burpees
60 seconds all out
30 seconds rest in Low Press-up Hold
Cool Down and Foam Roller work (Self Myofacial Release)
Keep training simple. Add at least two high intensity training per week to your training schedule. High-Octane Workouts are exactly that, just all out. Its like a journey to hell and back. There is not love while you are in it. You will wonder why you are doing it. But you have to finish what you started. Once you have you remember why you took that journey – to discover your true grit.