Remember folks the only supplements that work are the illegal ones. There is no substitute for the hard work that you put in your workout right now.
Group Training
Dynamic Warm-ups
5 minutes various Kettlebell lifts
Snatch – Cleans – Jerks – Rack Squats – SOTS – Swings – Overhead Squats – Cossack
Rest if needed but keep it brief
5 minutes various Bodyweight Conditioning drills
Burps – Sprinters Lunges – 6 point Burpees – 4 Point Drill (Ju-Jitsu/Wrestlers) – Jumping Lunges- 6 point Bastards – Jumping Jacks – Mountain Climbers
Rest if needed but keep it brief
60 seconds per movement
Snatch +
Burps +
Rest +
Cleans +
Sprinters Lunges +
Rest +
Jerks +
Burpees +
Rest +
Rack Squats +
4 Point Drill +
Rest +
Jumping Lunges +
Rest +
Overhead Squats +
6 Point Burpees +
Rest +
Cossack +
Mountain Climbers
Rest 3 minutes
Followed by:
10 Minutes Finishers
Bear Crawls +
Alligator +
Gorilla +
Crab +
Inchworm +
Warewolf +
Tiger +
Dragon +
Cricket +
Cool down and Stretch