Yes its not fun.
Yes you would prefer warm, sunny weather.
Yes wrapping up in your cosy living room with a nice warm cup of tea would be much nicer.
But hey where is the fun in that. We used to love this kind of the weather when we were kids. Yes we are a lot older now but dig deep in your soul, ignite the fire and bring out the child within, that you know wants to go out and play in the rain. Just think of it in that way, ‘it’s child play’. You will be back in no time and you would feel; well that much better. A sense of accomplishment.
Dynamic Warm-up
Jog +
Sprint +
Forward Jumping Burpees +
Jog +
Sprint +
Tiger Crawls +
Jog +
Sprint +
Frog Jumps +
Jog +
Sprint +
Bear Crawls +
REST 1/2 minutes
The distance you cover per exercise is marked by the the trees… or mark them on the flat surface…
Repeat 10 rounds
10 minutes x Indian Runs/Sprints
Cool down and Stretch