“Short-term intense interval training is highly effective in altering the ratio of lean body mass to fat without compromising muscle mass.” Pat O’Shea
The following training programme Interval Weight Training was developed by Pat O’Shea. Q&A with Pat O Shea.
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
10x Hang Clean – 50% of 1rep Max +
2 minute Rowing – working at under 2:00/500m +
2 minute rest between each round
3 rounds
5minutes (this includes the 2 minutes from the last round above)
8x Back Squats – 60% of 1rep Max +
2minutes Rope Undulation – all out
2 minute rest between each round
3 rounds
5minutes (this includes the 2 minutes from the last round above)
Pull-ups +
Press-ups to Renegade Rows +
Hanging Straight Leg Raise Toes-to-Bar +
Ring Dips +
Handstand Push-ups +
Deck Squats to Press (also referred to as Atomic sit-ups) +
1 minute Rest
Repeat 3 rounds 8 reps in total.
Cool down