Dynamic Warm-up
1x KB Sprawl +
2x KB Press-up +
1x KB High Pulls
Complete 5 sets
Then move on to
1x Centipede (walkout to extended press-up position) +
2x Floor Press-ups +
1x KB High Pulls
Complete 5 sets
Then rest 15 seconds the start from the top
Complete 10 rounds in total
KB Sprawl +
Left arm KB Clean and Jerks +
KB Sprawl +
Right arm KB Cleans and Jerks +
KB Sprawl +
KB High Pulls to 5x Goblet Squats +
KB Sprawl +
Left arm KB Snatch to OVH Backward Lunge +
KB Sprawl +
Right arm KB Snatch to OVH Backward Lunge +
Rest 15 seconds then start back from the top
Complete 10 rounds
2×10 Reverse TGU to floor shoulder rotation (5 each side)
2×10 Kettlebell Sit-up (5 each side)
2x 40 Russian Twists + Floor Oblique Twists
Cool down and Stretch