Dynamic Mobility Warm-up (as always)
Goblet Squat to Halo (at the bottom position) +
Press-up to Alternate Groiner to Sit-Out Hip Drive
3 sets 60seconds per exercise and 60seconds Rest between each round
Circular Cleans +
Deck Squats to Rollouts to Tuck Jumps
4 sets 60seconds per exercise and 60seconds Rest between each round
Double KB Jerks +
Dead Cockroaches
3 sets 60seconds per exercise and 60seconds Rest between each round
KB Bicep Crush Wall Sits +
1 set 60seconds per exercise
Cool down and Stretch
This is a very advanced workout. Do not tackle this session if you are not 100% comfortable with all basic kettlebell lifts. Come down to our sessions or get in touch with a certified kettlebell teacher for all technical advise.