This is a new training methodology that I have trailed out with my group personal training session. It will utilise both kettlebells and bodyweight exercise. Its based on 3 – 3 minutes rounds followed by 1 minute rest periods. After 3rd round the group of exercises changes.
Dynamic warm-up
1st Part
10x Kettlebell Swings +
20x Mountain Climbers +
5x Tiger Press-ups
3×3 minutes rounds 1 minute rest between each round
2nd Part
10x Alternate Kettlebell Swings +
10x Kettlebell Sumo Jump Squats +
10x Overhead Reverse Lunges (5 on each side)
3×3 minutes rounds 1 minute rest between each round
3rd Part
10x High Pulls or Snatches (5 each arm) +
20x High Knees +
10x Goblet Press or Push Press (5 each arm)
3×3 minutes rounds 1 minute rest between each round
4th Part
5x Alternate Halos to Deck Squats to Kettlebell Overhead Hip Drive +
20x Deadcockroaches +
5x Goblet Get-ups
3×3 minutes rounds 1 minute rest between each round
Cool down and Stretch
Here is how to: