Sanskrit term Kshatrā means “warrior, ruler.” The word is derived from the words for “power” and “ruler.” Bhagavad Gita describes a Kshatriya as a person who possesses these six specific qualities: courage, perseverance, endurance, generosity, leadership and the unwillingness to surrender. However, Kshatriyas are further described as those possessing strength of mind, righteousness, dedication, willpower, and an unshakable desire to protect those that are weaker than themselves.
Now lets train like one…
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
10x 25m High Knees +
10x 25m Backward Bear Crawls
No rest
100x Burpees
Minimal rest
Team Work:
Team Player 1: 10x Ball Slam +
Team Players 2, 3, 4, 5: Squats
Pass the Medicine Ball clockwise until all team members have slammed the ball then rest 60 seconds
Complete 3 rounds
Team Work:
Team Player 1: 10x Plyometrics Press-ups +
Team Players 2, 3, 4, 5: Plank Hold
Pass the Medicine Ball clockwise until all team members have slammed the ball then rest 60 seconds
Complete 3 rounds
10x Leg Press +
10x Oblique Twist L +
10x Oblique Twist R +
10x 90 degree elevated Crunches +
10x Double Crunches +
50x Superman with a clap press
Cool down and Yoga