Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
Dynamic Mobility warm-up +
KB Warm-up
KB Goblet Squats or Rack Squats +
Kneeling to Bottom Squat Position
3 sets 60 seconds no rest
1 minute rest
2 minutes KB Snatch Snatch (1 min left then 1 min right) +
2 minutes Sprinters Lunges
3 sets no rest
1 minute rest
KB Double Swings +
Sprawl to 4 point Drills
3 sets 60 seconds per exercise no rest
1 minute rest
2 minutes KB Clean & Press (1 min left then 1 min right)+
2 minutes Shaolin Press-ups
4 sets no rest
1 minutes rest
Followed by:
5 minute round of
10x Ab Crunches
10x Oblique Twists
10x Reverse Crunches
5x Frog Sit-ups
5x No Momentum Straight Leg Sit-ups
As many rounds in time
Cool down and Stretch
Metabolic Conditioning is by no mean easy. But then why would you be here if you were looking for something easy. It is mind over muscle. Use Kettlebell and Body Weight to efficiently break through your training plateaus.