Kettlebell Metcon Workout
Dynamic Warm-up
Kettlebell work
10x Single arm Swing Left +
10x Cleans Left +
10x Military Press Left +
10x Overhead Split Squat Left +
10x Single arm Swing Right +
10x Cleans Right +
10x Military Press Right +
10x Overhead Split Squat Right
3 Sets Rest 30 seconds
2×25 meter KB Bear Crawl
Rest 60 second between sets
20x Renegade Rows (10 each side) +
10x Press-ups
10x Burpees
3 sets 30 seconds rest
1 rep every 30 seconds for 15 minutes of the following
Renegade Row + Press-up + Burpees + Double KB Swings + Double KB Cleans + Double KB Military Press + Double Rack Squat
20x Get-ups (10 each side) +
20x Russian Twists +
60 seconds S holds +
20x Jack knives
20x Alternate Jack knives (knees to chest, then wide out)
60 seconds Leg hold (few inches off the floor)
Cool down