Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
Indian Clubbell
20x Double Handed Swings +
10x Swings & Squats +
20x Single Arm Armpit Swings +
20x Gamma Cast Left +
20x Gamma Cast Right +
10x Single Arm Gamma Cast Left +
10x Single Arm Gamma Cast Right +
10x Side to Side swings (imagine a golf swing)
3 rounds minimal rest
10x Ring Dips +
10x Plyo Clap Press-ups
3 rounds
60 seconds Punch Bag/Pad Drills (use MMA Gloves) +
10x 5kg medinice Ball Slams +
10x Right Rope Slams +
10x Left Rope Slams +
60 seconds Extended Ring Plank hold
Complete 3 rounds rest 60 seconds between each round
Sprint Training
5x From Press-up Plank hold to a 40 yard dash
4x Sprint forwards 25 meters + then sprint backwards to the start position + 50 meters Sprint + Jog back for recovery
3x Resistance Band 25 meters Sprint backwards + 25 meters forward Sprints
Cool down and Stretch