5 minutes Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
10 minutes Sprint Specific Warm-up Drills
3 sets of each. Distance 60m. 50% of you all out Sprint. Rest 30/60 seconds between each set.:-
3x Tuck Jumps to Sprint
3x Bounding (both feet) to Sprints
6x Side to Side Lateral Single Leg Bounding to Sprint
6x High Knees to Sprint
6x Single Leg Linear Bounding to Sprint
3 sets of each. Distance 60m. 100% all out Sprint. Rest 60/90seconds between each set.:-
Jump Back to Sprint
Falling Start Sprint
Partner Resisted Sprint Start
2x200m Suicides Sprints
4x100m Partner Chase Sprints (Leading team member to change direction and vary the speed)
1x800m Indian Runs
Cool downs and Stretch out
Body Weight Workout Circuit Training Conditioning High Intensity Interval Training Leeds Group Personal Training Speed Training Training Schedule Workouts