Saturday WOD 7-10-09
Dynamic Warm-up (goes without saying)
Squat +
Ring Pull-ups
1st round 60 seconds
2nd round 45 seconds
3rd round 30 seconds
4th round 15 seconds
4 rounds as above
Bastards +
Ring Dips
4 rounds as above
Push ups +
Ring rollovers
Rest 2 minutes and then repeat the again
Once 2 whole rounds are completed then processed to the following:
Jog + Sprint the length of a football/soccer pitch. Jog from goal post to the half way line and sprint to the other side. Repeat the same the other way. +
Resistance Band backward sprint (for the same length of time as it took to do the jog+sprint)
2×5 Minutes rounds rest 2 minutes in between rounds.
This workout will develop explosive strength and speed required in many sports.