Dynamic Warm-up
Kettlebell Warm-up
2mins x Around the Body Pass (1 minute in a clockwise direction, and then 1 minute anti-clockwise) +
2mins x Halos (1 minute in a clockwise direction, and then 1 minute anti-clockwise) +
2mins x Figure 8s (1 minute in one direction, and then 1 minute in the opposite direction) +
1min x Good Morning Stretch
1min x Windmill (left arm) +
1min x Squatting Around Body Pass (Feet shoulder-width apart, knees forward. Squat, as though you were sitting on a chair and perform the Around Body Pass, except when you pass the kettlbell behind you, it is passing under your thighs clock wise) +
1min x Windmill (right arm) +
1min x Squatting Around Body Pass (anti-clock wise)
1min x Single Arm Swings (left arm)
1min x Turkish Get-Ups (left arm)
1min x Single Arm Swings (right arm)
1min x Turkish Get-Ups (right arm)
1min x Side Lunge to Chest Press
2mins x Snatch (1 minute with left arm then 1 minute with the right)
2mins x Clean and Press (1 minute with the left arm and 1 minute with the right)
1min x Swing-Catch-Squat (careful not to hit your chin)
1min x Deck Squats
Repeat once again if you are able.
Mobility work and Stretch
The above workout borrowed from Coach Steve Maxwell. Check out his site for further details.