Squat and Deadlift Strength Session
Dymanic Warm-up
2×15 BB (no weight) Squat
5×3 BB Squat 55%Max
5×3 Deadlift
3×2 Single Arm BB Deadlift (1 each hand)
3×8 DB Steps-ups
3×8 KB Swings
Cool down
Rest period through out the workout between 60seconds – 3 minutes long.
Group Kettlebell Metcon Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
Partner work:
P1: Snatches (30secs per arm)
P2: High Knees
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
P1: Cleans (swap arm after 30secs or perform using double KB)
P2: Sprinter Lunges
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
P1: Jerks (swap arm after 30secs or perform using double KB)
P2: Mountain Climbers
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
P1: KB Bottoms Up Crush Press-ups
P2: Dead Cockroaches
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
Cool down and Stretch