There is no limit to what YOU can achieve
Deep inside you lies the potential. There are many ways to tap into your talents, but first you have to believe in your power to create, to dream, and to take risks.
The possibilities are unlimited if you reach beyond what is comfortable. Learn to accept change, for it will help you realize your inner strength and abilities. To achieve your full potential, learn to love with judgment, create without inhibitions, laugh without regrets, and dream with no limitations. Create your own destiny, and success will follow you on your journey.
– Jennifer Marsh
Strength Training
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
3×15 BB OH Squats
1 rep every 30 seconds for 10 minutes
Front Squats + OH Press + OH Squat + Back Squat + OH Squat
Cool down
Evening Group Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
10x 50 meters sprints with jog back to start position to recover
Ring Rows +
KB Snatch +
Ball Slams +
Plank hold & knee to elbows +
Rope Undulation
60 second per exercise for a total of 8 rounds
Jack Knives +
Leg Hold (few inches of the ground – back on the floor)
4x 60 seconds per exercise
Cool down