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Sunday Motivation

I like sundays to reflect on the week gone and the week ahead. Its a constant journey. Sometimes I like searching the net for inspiring stories and today I came across this. You may have heard about CT Fletcher but if you do not then here is a video you need to watch.

What got my attention straight off was the first words he said; “Don’t look for the easy way out. No body want to work hard these days. Everybody wants the easy way. 20 minutes abs, 10 minutes this, 10 minutes that. FUCK THAT. Get to the gym work hard and EARN IT.”

This is something that I have always continually said and always will say, to everyone that ever asks me for a training programme to give them the best results. Its about doing what you are every day. Even on the rest day you are doing something, RESTING, in order to give your body enough time to recoup and be ready for the next days training session. There are NO SHORTCUTS in this life.

I personally am resting today cause tomorrow is another day that I am going to love the grind. Cause I want to earn my strength. Thats physical strength as well as mental strength.

Now watch the video, be inspired, get motivated, work hard and inspire others to be their best.

And to end the video, just incase if you missed the message; “20 minutes abs, 20 minutes pecs, 20 minutes butt, 20 minutes any fucking this is a pile of bullshit.”

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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