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Valentine's Day Training Session

Valentine's Day Training Session

Dynamic Mobility Warm-up + SMR Then: 30secs x Press-ups + 15secs x Clap Press-ups + 15secs x Rest + 30secs x Split Squats (Left) + 15secs x Jump Split Squats + 15secs…

Valentine Rawat 14/02/2012

Bodyweight Mayhem Metabolic Conditioning

Push through the pain, and conquer the obstacles. Regardless of what you think today, it wont matter 5 years from now. SO DON’T BE AFRAID! High Knees T Press-ups…

Valentine Rawat 07/11/2011

Body Weight Blast

Dynamic Warm up Then: 60secs x 3 Way Lunges + 60secs x Straight leg Jack knife Deadlift Rest 30 seconds Complete 3 sets Then: 60secs x Press-ups (vary it) + 60secs…

Valentine Rawat 18/07/2011

Group Bodyweight MetCon

The better you get the better you recover. However this will never get easier. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5 Stations Ball Squats – Shoulder press – Ball Slams…

Valentine Rawat 14/02/2011

Manic Monday's

Dynamic Warm-up Then: Quad Press + Basic Spinal Rock + Table Top + Plank Push Knee 4 rounds 60 seconds per exercise. 60 seconds rest in between rounds. Then: Quad…

Valentine Rawat 25/01/2011

Kettlebell & Bodyweight METCON Wednesday 6th October 2010

Dynamic Warm-up Then: Complete 4 rounds Partner 1 5x KB Single Arm Swings 5x KB Cleans 5x KB Jerks 5x KB Snatch Complete as many sets in time given and complete…

Valentine Rawat 06/10/2010

Bodyweight Metabolic Conditioning Monday 4th October 2010

Dynamic Warm-up Then: Quad Press Quad Hop to Squats Revolving Table or Table Top Alternating Screwing Press-ups Jumping Lunges 60 seconds per exercise and rest 60…

Valentine Rawat 04/10/2010