Squat followed by Deadlift Training Session
Squat and Deadlift Strength Session Dymanic Warm-up Then: 2×15 BB (no weight) Squat 5×3 BB Squat 65%Max Then: 5×3 Deadlift (increase weight each set – close…
Max Effort Workout Thursday 30th September 2010
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5×3 BB Deadlifts 3×12 BB Single Straight Leg Deadlifts 3×12 BB Single Leg Step-up (one leg elevated at a time) 3×12 DB…
Good Morning Conditioning & Afternoon Strength 16th September 2010
Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure – that of being Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali Morning Session Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5x Hill…
Strength Training Tuesday 29-6-2010
How do you measure your strength? Are you training hard enough? Are you really pushing all that you can? Are you giving your 110%? Deadlifts 1×5 reps 50% 2×4…
Power Training Thursday 24-6-2010
Power Training Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 2×15 Cleans 2×15 Deadlifts 2×15 Power curls – kneeling to standing – supine (underhand)…
Barbell Complex Tuesday 8-6-2010
Barbell Complex Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Light Barbell 2×15 Deadlifts 2×15 High Pulls 2×15 Rack/Front Squats 2×15 Hang Cleans Then: 7×7…
Power Endurance Friday 28-5-2010
Power Endurance Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds of: 10x Overhead Squats + 10x Overhead Walking Lunges + 10x Jumping Lunges Then: 5 rounds of: 10x Deadlift…
Monday WOD 9-11-09
Monday WOD 9-11-09 Warm up 3×15 Barbell only Hang Cleans + 3×15 Barbell only Jump Shrugs Then: 5 rounds of Power Cleans working up-to MAX Then: 2×15…