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Group Circuit Training

A recent paper was published examining two types of training structure: Alcaraz et al. Similarity in Adaptations to High-Resistance Circuit vs. Traditional Strength…

Valentine Rawat 29/06/2011

Metabolic Conditioning Monday 26-4-2010

Monday 26-4-2010 Metabolic Conditioning – Maximum fat burn Morning Session: Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10x Hill Sprints Then: 10 minute 24kg Kettlebell Snatch Aim…

Valentine Rawat 26/04/2010

Monday 23-11-09

Monday 23-11-09 Kettlebell Complex and Functional Core Workout Warm-up: Kettlebell Swing Then: 20 x Kettlebell Push-up to L-Hold + 20 x Bastards to KB Clean and…

Valentine Rawat 23/11/2009

Monday 7/09/09

Body-Weight Conditioning Dynamic Warm-up Then: 30 seconds per exercises 2 x 20 minutes rounds of Body Weight Exercises. 3 minutes rest between first and second round.…

Valentine Rawat 07/09/2009

High Intensity Interval Training - HIIT

High Intensity Interval Training – HIIT High Intensity Interval Training – HIIT – is an exercise strategy to improve fitness and burn body fat…

Valentine Rawat 01/09/2009