Kettlebell Workouts
Kettlebell workouts wеrе аll the rage last уеаr аnd thіѕ уеаr іt looks as іf the trеnd wіll continue. Its not a fad and has predated a lot training…

Success & Daily Practice
Long terms success comes from hard training, focus and the will to keep moving forward. Let me tell you something for nothing, none of it is easy and it never will…
Choose Nothing and Create Something
This vs That. Oly Lifts vs Power lifts. Crossfit vs Tacfit. Sprint vs Jog. Street Workout vs Primal fitness. Yoga vs Tai Chi. Kung Fu vs Karate. There are so many…
5 weeks get super strong training progamme
5 weeks get super strong training programme is strength and conditioning programme to get you super strong and super lean. Now, yes it is a 5 week programme but…

Keep Training Simple
Earlier today I came across some a “fitness professional” promoting their online product of ‘get lean in a certain amount of time’. Blah-de-blah-de-blah……
Our journey takes a lifetime
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; If you are planning for a decade, plant trees; If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” Chinese Proverb…
Backyard Strength Training Tuesday 26th October 2010
This is my backyard training. It matters what you do, not where you got it from, it matters only that you do it and make it your own. Dynamic Warm-up Then: 3 rounds…
The Fitness Skeptic
The Fitness Skeptic By Jamie Hale “Coach Hale why are you so skeptical?” “Why do you have such a negative view of the fitness industry?” “You are…