Getting Physced Up - Sprint Training
For those that may lack the inspiration today. It happens to all of us sometimes. Most of the time you have to find that motivation and drive within. But when even…

Outdoor Interval Weight Training
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 10x Double Kettlebell Rack Squat + 2mins High Knees + 2mins rest 3 rounds Then: 5 minutes total rest including last 2 minutes of the…
Friday Sunshine Workout
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 8×20 seconds Step-ups 10 seconds rest 3×20 Pistols (10 each side) 3×20 Press-ups 3×20 Reverse Jumping Lunges 3×20…
Sprints + Integrated Animal Flow Drills
Today’s group personal training session targets all the neglected areas of Strength Training. Who is this workout for? Well almost all Combat based Athletes…
Interval Training
Warm-up with 15 minute easy Row Then: 8x Tabata Row 20-sec Work 10-sec Rest (During work period work under 1:50/500m) Then: 500m Row 10x Pull-ups 20x Press-ups 30x…
MMA Conditioning Wednesday 22nd September 2010
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Rope Undulation (seated or horse stance) + Rest 30 seconds + Medicine Ball Slam + Rest 30 seconds + Kneeling Punching on Heavy Punch bag +…
Heart and Lung Training Friday 17th September 2010
I love the High Intensity Interval Training. Its never boring and you are constantly moving in an explosive manner. “Creativity and Simplicity is the key”,…
HIIT Thursday 8-7-2010
HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Tabata Protocol 8×20 seconds, 10 seconds rest Sprints – surface Power weighted…
Monday H.I.I.T. 1-2-2010
Monday 1-2-2010 High Intensity Interval Training Warmup Then: Up-downs + Over Head Squats + Yoga Dolphin Pose/Elbow Pike Press-ups + Single legged Squats + T- Pushups…
Monday H.I.I.T 25-1-2010
Monday 25-1-2010 High Intensity Interval Training Warmup Then: Up-downs + Over Head Squats + Yoga Dolphin Pose/Elbow Pike Press-ups + Single legged Squats + T- Pushups…
Monday Circuit 4-1-2010
Monday 4-1-2010 Circuits – Interval Training 5 minutes Dynamic Warmup Then: 5 rounds of minimal rest: 3 minutes skipping + 30 seconds burpees + 30 second…
Thursday 26-11-09
Thursday 26-11-09 Interval Circuit Training Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Swings + Kettlebell Push Press (uneven weight 20kg and 24kg) Rope Undulation + Resistance Band…
Friday WOD 30-10-09
Friday WOD 30-10-09 Warm-up Then: 20 x left & right Ring wood-chops + 20 x left & right Hammer work + 20 x left & right Ring Roll-outs + 20 x Tyre flips…
Friday WOD 23-10-09
Friday WOD 23-10-09 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10 x Sprints 80 Steps at Roundhay Park Then: Cool down and Stretch
Wednesday WOD 7-10-09
Wednesday WOD Dynamic Mobility Warmup Then: 30 x KB Swing + 15 x KB Clean and Press Left + 15 x KB Clean and Press Right + 1 x Block Sprint (find a area to run/sprint,…
Monday 5-10-09
Monday 5th of October Dynamic Warm-ups 5 minutes Then: Sprint on Spot 45 seconds + Finger Press-ups 45 seconds + Press-up Plank 45 seconds + Burpees 45 seconds +…