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Joint Mobility & Qigong Thursday 1-7-2010

Steve Cotter IKFF – Joint Mobility Warm-up Steve Cotter IKFF – Little 9 Heaven Qigong

Valentine Rawat 02/07/2010

The Absolute Best Way to Improve Your Leg Strength and Power for all Sports

The Absolute Best Way to Improve Your Leg Strength and Power for all Sports By Steve Cotter, By adding this one exercise to your training program, you can become…

Valentine Rawat 14/02/2010

Human Biomechanics Denis Kanygin

IKFF Lesson Series on Human Biomechanics, Lesson 1Denis Kanygin is the coaches’ coach, a man who can count amongst his clientele the likes of Steve Cotter, John…

Valentine Rawat 01/10/2009

Importance of Breathing Correctly

Breath is the essence of life. Sometimes it takes slap on your ass (new born) to get you going. Here is a great video from Denis Kanygin, Technical Advisor to IKFF……

Valentine Rawat 30/09/2009