Interval Weight Training
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 10x Deadlift + 10x Bentover Rows + 2minutes Rowing @1.50min/500m pace 2minutes Rest Complete 3 rounds Then: 5 minutes rest including the last…

Interval Weight Training
10x DB Bent-over Row + 10x DB Floor Chest Press + 2mins Rowing + 2mins Rest Then: 10x DB Stiff Legged Deadlift + 10x DB Lunges + 2mins Rope Undulation + 2 minutes…
Superset Conditioning Workout
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 8 rounds 30 seconds work per exercise and 30 rest between each round Supersets Pull Ups + KB Swings Ring Dips + Ropes Undulation Then: 6 rounds…
Total Mayhem High Intensity Interval Weight Training
This is the correct use of treadmills. Increase the intensity to increase the burn. Do not waste your time by spending 30 minutes on any indoor cardio machines at…
IWT - Interval Weight Training for Athletes
“Short-term intense interval training is highly effective in altering the ratio of lean body mass to fat without compromising muscle mass.” Pat O’Shea…
Interval Training
“Life is full of pain. Pain is full of power. And struggle makes you stronger, That’s why struggle’s not for cowards.” Yonas Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then:…
Tag Team Wednesday 13th October 2010
Tag Team is partner drills that we do a lot here on wednesday sessions. Encourage your partner… Todays session is a variation of IWT. Dynamic Warm-up Then:…
Interval Weight Training Thursday 2nd September 2010
Interval Weight Training, IWT for short devised by Pat O’Shea in 1969. His books worth getting Scientific Principles and Methods of Strength Fitness and Quantum…
Interval Weight Training Sunday 22-8-2010
Interval Weight Training Session Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5x BB Hang Cleans + 5x Push Press 70% max + 2 minutes Sprint 15 seconds + Run 15 seconds (15sec Hard/15sec…
Friday 5-2-2010
Friday 5-2-2010 IWT Dynamic Warm up Then: 10x Hi-Pull 16kg KB Left + 10x Hi-Pull 16kg KB Right + 2:00 Sprint 50 and Jog 50 + 1:00 Plank 1:00 Rest + 10x Press 16kg…