Kettlebell Inferno Session
This is a new training methodology that I have trailed out with my group personal training session. It will utilise both kettlebells and bodyweight exercise. Its…
Kettlebell Explosive Workout
This is fast, explosive workout. Move fast but keep your form 100%. Dynamic Warm-up + Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Double handed Kettlebell Swings + Mountain…
Kettlebell Metabolic Conditioning Session
Solo Kettlebell Metabolic Conditioning: Dynamic Warm-up Then: Kettlebell work 10x Single arm Swing Left + 10x Cleans Left + 10x Military Press Left + 10x Overhead…
Group Kettlebell Session
Mobility Drills Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Group A: 30secs x each arm KB Dead Clean + 30secs x each arm KB Dead Snatch + 30secs x KB Hack Squat + 30secs x KB Lunge…
Group Kettlebell MetCon Training Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise, 15/30 seconds rest Double Handed Swings 6 point Burpees Then: 3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise,…
Wednesday Group MetCon
Kettbelell Metabolic Conditioning Total Body Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Team A: 20x Single Arm Bent-Over Row (10 on each side) + 10x Upright row + 10x Goblet…
Kettlebell Meltdown Session
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is…
Champions Conditioning Workout
CHAMPIONS ARE MADE, they aren’t born. Wake up look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself how badly do you want it. Visualise your self and then start…
Tag Team Workout
JOHN WOODEN greatest basketball coach of all time said the following: “I was raised on a small farm in southern Indiana and Dad tried to teach me and my brothers…