Keep Training Simple
Earlier today I came across some a “fitness professional” promoting their online product of ‘get lean in a certain amount of time’. Blah-de-blah-de-blah……

Kettlebell Strength Endurance Work
Mobility Drills + Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Jerks 1st Set – 2x20kg – 16reps 1st set is done with static hold in top position. Static hold is…

Kettlebells, Ropes + Core Training
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 45s Single KB Double handed Swings + 15s Rest + 45s Alternate Rope Undulation + 60s Rest Complete 3 rounds Then: 30s Double KB Swings + 30s…

Kettlebell Conditioning Workout
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Sling Shots + Halos + Good Mornings + Cosacks 30 seconds per exercise per direction Then: 3 supersets 10x Double Handed Kettlebell Swings +…
Wednesday Kettlebell Mayhem
They said they want it to tax them physically and mentally today. Well here it is: Intermediate Levels Kettlebell Complex Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Double Handed…
Kettlebells for Strength
10 minutes Mobility Work + SMR Then: KB Warm-up (lightish bell) 20x Sling Shots + 10x Halos + 10x Good Mornings (KB in front of your chest) 2 rounds in total Then:…
Kettlebell METCON Wednesday 15th September
10 minutes Dynamic Mobility Warm-up 5 minutes Kettlebell Mobility work Then: Choose 12, 16, 24 or 32kg Kettlebell 5x Double hand Swing + 5x Single Arm Swing (L +…
Met Con Workout Sunday 18-7-2010
Met Con = Metabolic Conditioning Metabolic Conditioning is – increasing the condition of muscle use by improving the efficiency of the metabolic pathways.…
Strength Training Monday 12-7-2010
Session 1 – Strength Training Mobility Warm-up Then: 2×20 Bodyweight Squats 2×15 Barbell Jump Squats 5×5 Barbell Squats Then: Single arm Indian…
Strength and Conditioning Wednesday 7-7-2010
“You cannot just tell people you’re committed. You cannot just say you’re dedicated. You cannot simply talk about your strength, your grit, your…
Outdoor Training Wednesday 16-6-2010
Outdoor Training Session 1 Dynamic Warm-up Then: KB Swing + Rope Undulation + KB Jerks each arm 3×60 seconds per exercise Then: 15x Rope Inverted Row + 15x…
Just Kettlebells Friday 4-6-2010
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 20x Snatch (single arm) + 15x Double Rack Squat + 10x Bent Press + 5x Windmill + 20x Renegade Rows + 15x Overhead Walking Lunges +…
Tuesday 12-1-2010
Tuesday 12-1-2010 Joint Mobility Head to Toe warmup Then: Single Kettlebell work. 1 minute per exercise per arm for 20 minutes Cleans + High Pulls + Snatch + Press…
Saturday 2-1-2010
2-1-2010 Happy New Year once again. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Swing Progression 30 seconds Swing with 16kg 30 seconds Swing with 24kg 30 seconds…
Thursday 26-11-09
Thursday 26-11-09 Interval Circuit Training Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Swings + Kettlebell Push Press (uneven weight 20kg and 24kg) Rope Undulation + Resistance Band…
Saturday 14-11-09
Saturday 14-11-09 Warmup Then: 3x 2 minute Single Kettlebell Swings alternate arm Then: Tabata Protocol of 4 minutes 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest 32kg Double…