Quick Kettlebell & Bodyweight Training
While I wait for a client and the sun is shine it would be rude not to get some daily movement in. Here's what unmanaged in 10mins Band Pull Aparts x20 Band…

My Training this Week
Monday 28th July 2014 Stair sprints 8 rounds 25 mins today including warmup Tuesday 29th July 2014 Deadlift 4×6-8 Then Seated rows 3×12 Supinated lat pull…
Metabolic Conditioning Monday 28-6-2010
Metabolic Conditioning Session 1 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 8x 50 meters Sprints Jog back to start to recover Then: Lunges + Press-ups + Planks + Jack knife + Burpees…
Saturday 2-1-2010
2-1-2010 Happy New Year once again. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Swing Progression 30 seconds Swing with 16kg 30 seconds Swing with 24kg 30 seconds…