Kettlebell MetCon
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5x KB Burpees + 5x KB Cleans Left + 5x KB Cleans Right + 5x KB Press Left + 5x KB Press Right + 5x KB Pistols Left + 5x KB Pistols Right +…
Group MetCon Session 29th September 2010
Met Con = Metabolic Conditioning Metabolic Conditioning is – increasing the condition of muscle use by improving the efficiency of the metabolic pathways. Strength…
Wednesday MetCon Workout 8th September 2010
“What we face may look insurmountable. But I learned something from all those years of training and competing. I learned something from all those sets and…
MET CON Workout Monday 2-8-2010
This is Monday. And I want you start your day with a bang. Go to work and do not hide, but instead shine. You really are meant to. Go to your training ground and…