Getting Physced Up - Sprint Training
For those that may lack the inspiration today. It happens to all of us sometimes. Most of the time you have to find that motivation and drive within. But when even…
Kettlebell Explosive Workout
This is fast, explosive workout. Move fast but keep your form 100%. Dynamic Warm-up + Kettlebell Warm-up Then: Double handed Kettlebell Swings + Mountain…

Kettlebells MetCon 101
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 20x Single KB Double Handed Swings 20x Single KB Single Arm Swings (right then left) 20x Single KB Release and Catch Double Handed…
Kettlebell MetCon
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5x KB Burpees + 5x KB Cleans Left + 5x KB Cleans Right + 5x KB Press Left + 5x KB Press Right + 5x KB Pistols Left + 5x KB Pistols Right +…
Group MetCon Workout
“Research conducted by Stanford psychology professor, Carol Dweck has shown that most people have one of two types of “MINDSET”: FIXED MINDSET or GROWTH…
Kettlebell Bodyweight Circuit Workout
“Above all be patient.” Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 50x Swings + 25x Jumping Jacks + 60 seconds REST + 50x Goblet Squats + 25x Quad Press+ 60 seconds…
Metabolic Conditioning
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Complete 4 rounds Partner 1 5x KB Single Arm Swings 5x KB Cleans 5x KB Jerks 5x KB Snatch Complete as many sets in time given and complete…
Kettlebell MetCon Session
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Kettlebell Swings + Crush Press-ups 3 rounds 45 seconds work 15 seconds rest. Rest 1 minute once 3 rounds have been completed. Then: Cleans…
Kettlebell & Bodyweight METCON Wednesday 6th October 2010
Dynamic Warm-up Then: Complete 4 rounds Partner 1 5x KB Single Arm Swings 5x KB Cleans 5x KB Jerks 5x KB Snatch Complete as many sets in time given and complete…
Group MetCon Session 29th September 2010
Met Con = Metabolic Conditioning Metabolic Conditioning is – increasing the condition of muscle use by improving the efficiency of the metabolic pathways. Strength…
Wednesday MetCon Workout 8th September 2010
“What we face may look insurmountable. But I learned something from all those years of training and competing. I learned something from all those sets and…
Give it a Name Workout Wednesday 1st September 2010
Give it a Name… I am not a marketer. Today’s training session is basically circuit training/metabolic conditioning training/interval training/well whatever…
Body Weight Metabolic Conditioning Workout Monday 30-8-2010
Bodyweight Metabolic Conditioning Session 1: Dynamic Mobility Warm -up Then: Forward Lunges + Backward Lunges + Lateral Lunges + Pistols + Plank Hold (active rest)…
Metabolic Conditioning Wednesday 25-8-2010
Kettlebell Metcon Workout Dynamic Warm-up Then: Kettlebell work 10x Single arm Swing Left + 10x Cleans Left + 10x Military Press Left + 10x Overhead Split Squat…
MetCon Workout Wednesday 18-8-2010
Be open, sensitive, be fully aware of what is from moment to moment. Don’t build around yourself a wall of impregnable thought. The bliss of truth comes when…
MET CON Workout Monday 2-8-2010
This is Monday. And I want you start your day with a bang. Go to work and do not hide, but instead shine. You really are meant to. Go to your training ground and…