Wednesday Kettlebell Metcon
A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 60secs Gladiator Press left arm + 30secs Rest + 60secs Pistols KB Bottoms up (alternate legs)…
More Friday Maelstrom
10 minutes Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Followed: 20 minutes easy skipping (mental preparation for what’s coming) + Every 2 minutes in between skipping 10x Press-ups…
Conditioning is King
Morning Workout: 20 minutes Dynamic Mobility Warm-up 10×20 seconds Sprints Flat Surface + 20 seconds Rest Then: 10x Incline Steps Sprints + Jog down to recover…
Body Weight MetCon Workout Monday 27th September 2010
Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5mins Round 5x Press-ups 5x Burpees 5x Squats 5x Sit-ups Work continuously until the time is up. Once 5 minutes are up move on to active rest…
MetCon Workout Friday 3rd September 2010
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: Indian Clubbell 20x Double Handed Swings + 10x Swings & Squats + 20x Single Arm Armpit Swings + 20x Gamma Cast Left + 20x Gamma…