Metabolic Conditioning Monday 28-6-2010
Metabolic Conditioning Session 1 Dynamic Warm-up Then: 8x 50 meters Sprints Jog back to start to recover Then: Lunges + Press-ups + Planks + Jack knife + Burpees…
Strength Endurance Training Monday 7-6-2010
Power Bands and Bodyweight Training Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5 Rounds of Overhead Squats + Overhead Split Squats Then: 5 Rounds of Power Band Overhead Press + Power…
Wednesday WOD 4-11-09
Wednesday WOD 4-11-09 Power Endurance Warm-up Then: 10 x Kettlebell Snatch + 10 x Single Arm Row + 10 x Suitcase Deadlift + 10 x Overhead Lunges + 10 x Renegade…