Good Morning Conditioning & Afternoon Strength 16th September 2010
Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure – that of being Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali Morning Session Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5x Hill…
Strength Training Saturday 31-7-2010
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3×5 BB Overhead Squat Then: 15 meters KB Walking Overhead 2x Lunges + 2x Squats 30 KB Step ups 3 rounds Then: 5×5 Zercher…
Water Bag Interval Training Friday 2-7-2010
Using new Water Bag training. Available to purchase from our store. Enquire by email Mobility Warm-up Then: Hang Cleans + Single Leg Deadlift (alt.…
Strength Endurance Training Monday 7-6-2010
Power Bands and Bodyweight Training Dynamic Warm-up Then: 5 Rounds of Overhead Squats + Overhead Split Squats Then: 5 Rounds of Power Band Overhead Press + Power…
Power Endurance Friday 28-5-2010
Power Endurance Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds of: 10x Overhead Squats + 10x Overhead Walking Lunges + 10x Jumping Lunges Then: 5 rounds of: 10x Deadlift…