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Deck of Cards Tuesday 13-7-2010

Deck of Cards Lets get imaginative. Separate all faced cards i.e., Jacks, Queen, King, Ace and Joker. Jacks = Any Kettlebell exercise, Swing, Cleans, Clean &…

Valentine Rawat 14/07/2010

Power Training Thursday 24-6-2010

Power Training Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 2×15 Cleans 2×15 Deadlifts 2×15 Power curls – kneeling to standing – supine (underhand)…

Valentine Rawat 24/06/2010

Power Training Saturday 19-6-2010

Power Dynamic Warm-up Then: Barbell Complex 7×7 Cleans + Jerks + Hang Cleans = 1 Rep Increase the weight each set/round Then: Pull-ups + Tire Flips + Hammer…

Valentine Rawat 20/06/2010

Saturday Strength 28-11-09

Saturday 28-11-09 Strength Warmup Then: Pyramid Sets Work up to Heavy Deadlift and then back to light Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2-1-2-4-6-8-10 Rest appropriately between…

Valentine Rawat 30/11/2009

Tuesday WOD 3-10-09

Tuesday WOD 3-10-09 Warm-up: 5 minutes Dynamic Warm-up 2×20 Shoulder Dislocation Then: 50 x Pull-ups 2 minutes Jump rope work 3 rounds

Valentine Rawat 03/11/2009

Friday Body Weight 18-9-09

5:50 Press-ups Pull-ups One Leg Squat Chin-ups Ring Dips Complete 50 reps in each exercise with minimal rest. This can be all in one go or break into a circuit format…

Valentine Rawat 18/09/2009

Tuesday Tabata 15-09-09

Tuesday Session “All Tabata” Warm-up Then: Tabata Protocol 8 x 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 1. Sprint 2. KB Swings 3. KB Front Squat 4. KB Over Head…

Valentine Rawat 16/09/2009