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Rope Undulation


Turbo Charged Endurance Thursday 3-6-2010

Turbo Charged Endurance – WOD to push your heart and lungs to the max. Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 20x Rope Pull-ups + 60 seconds Rope Undulation + 30x…

Valentine Rawat 03/06/2010

Power Endurance Friday 28-5-2010

Power Endurance Dynamic Mobility Warm-up Then: 3 rounds of: 10x Overhead Squats + 10x Overhead Walking Lunges + 10x Jumping Lunges Then: 5 rounds of: 10x Deadlift…

Valentine Rawat 30/05/2010

Thursday Power Endurance 17-12-09

Thursday 17-12-09 Strength Training Warm-up Then: 6x KB Turkish Get-up (3 each side) + 60 seconds Hanging Windshield Wipers 5 Rounds Then: Rope Undulation + 400…

Valentine Rawat 20/12/2009