Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the…
HIIT Workout
Tabata Protocol inspired workout. 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest total of 16 rounds per supersets. Dynamic Warm-up Then supersets 1: 1 1/2 Air Squats + Jumping…
Raw Intensity Protocol
Look me in the eyes,its ok if you scared so am I, but were scared for different reasons, I’m scared of what i wont become and your scared of what I will become.…
Tabata Interval Training
“The best chance you have if you wanna rise to the top, is to give yourself up to loneliness. Fear nothing, and work hard. One thing you’ll discover is that…
Tabata Monday 26-7-2010
Lets start the week with a bang. One of the toughest protocol is TABATA. MORNING SESSION Mobility Warm-up Then: 15x Hills Sprints Then: Cool down EVENING SESSION…
Wednesday 10-2-2010
On the Road so body weight and band training training all week. Wednesday 10-2-2010 Mobility Warm-up & Sun-Salutation Then: Tabata Protocol 8 sets, 20 seconds…
Monday 16-11-09
Monday WOD 16-11-09 Tabata Interval Training – Strength and Endurance Warm up Then: Main Work: 8 rounds 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest (4 minutes in total…
Monday WOD 2-11-09
Monday WOD 1-11-09 Tabata Interval Training – Strength and Endurance Warm up The: Main Work: 8 rounds 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest (4 minutes in total per…
Tuesday Tabata 15-09-09
Tuesday Session “All Tabata” Warm-up Then: Tabata Protocol 8 x 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 1. Sprint 2. KB Swings 3. KB Front Squat 4. KB Over Head…