“When life knocks you down you have two choices – stay down or get up.” Tom Krause
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
60secs Plank into Press-ups +
60secs Mountain Climbers
3 rounds – rest only 60 seconds after the third round
30secs per sides Side Planks to Knee Drive +
60secs Burpees
3 rounds – rest only 60 seconds after the third round
60secs Wall Sits with lateral shoulder circles (use light dumbbells) +
60secs Jumping Jacks
3 rounds – rest only 60 seconds after the third round
60secs Triceps Blasters +
60secs Plank
3 rounds – rest only 60 seconds after the third round
30secs Lunges (right forward & backward leg) +
30secs Lunges (left forward & backward leg) +
60secs Bootstrapers to Burps
3 rounds – rest only 60 seconds after the third round
30secs Side triceps push-off (left) +
30secs Side triceps push-off (right) +
60 seconds Deadcockroaches
3 rounds – rest only 60 seconds after the third round
Cool down and Stretch