Tuesday 10-11-09
Circuit Training
Circuit training is a combination of high-intensity anaerobics and aerobics training designed to be easy to follow and target fat loss, muscle building and heart-lung fitness. An exercise “circuit” is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program. When one circuit is complete, one begins the first exercise again for another circuit. Traditionally, the time between exercises in circuit training is short, often with rapid movement to the next exercise.
Round 1
15 x Double Kettlebells Squats +
15 x Double Kettlebells Overhead Press +
15 x Hammer Work on both Left & Right +
15 x Medicine Ball Chest throw +
5 minutes Skipping (30 seconds hard-30 seconds soft)
Round 2
10 x Double Kettlebells Squats +
10 x Double Kettlebells Overhead Press +
10 x Hammer Work on both Left & Right +
10 x Medicine Ball Chest throw +
10 minutes Skipping (30 seconds hard-30 seconds soft)
Round 3
5 x Double Kettlebells Squats +
5 x Double Kettlebells Overhead Press +
5 x Hammer Work on both Left & Right +
5 x Medicine Ball Chest throw +
15 minutes Skipping (30 seconds hard-30 seconds soft)
Cool down and Stretch