Wednesday 17-2-2010
Morning Session
1 Hour Bike Ride
50x Pull ups
Broken down in 5×10 reps with little rest in between.
Evening Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm up + Muscle Activation
KB Swing (Both hands) +
KB Left arm Swing +
KB Right arm Swing +
KB Left arm Rack Squats +
KB Right arm Rack Squat +
KB Left arm Jerk +
KB Right arm Jerk +
KB Bottoms up Press-ups/Push-ups
4 rounds – 30 seconds per exercise – Rest 60 seconds between each round.
Half TGU +
Kettlebell Sit-up +
Yanda Sit-up
3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise.
The finisher 3 minutes PLANK
Cool down and Stretch