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© 2025, Rawfit

Choose your weight wisely and pace yourself. Above all work with your breath.

What's wrong with Pink? 8kg Competition Kettlebells.

Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
Kettlebell Warm-up
Kettlebell and Bodyweight work
30secs x 2 Handed swings
30secs x Jumping Jacks
30secs x Rest
30secs x Left handed swings
30secs x Jumping Jacks
30secs x Rest
30secs x Right handed swings
30secs x Jumping Jacks
30secs x Rest
30secs x Alternate swings
30secs x Jumping Jacks
30secs x Rest
30secs x 2 KBs swings
30secs x Jumping Jacks
30secs x Rest
Partner work:
P1: Snatches (30secs per arm)
P2: High Knees
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
P1: Double Cleans
P2: Sprinter Lunges
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
P1: Jerks
P2: Mountain Climbers
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
P1: KB Skull Crushers
P2: Dead Cockroaches
60seconds work the swap. Once both partners have completed both exercises then 60seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds
Cool down and Stretch


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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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