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We’ve had a a very busy week of training individuals and groups from boxers and rugby players to weekend warriors and those wanting fat loss and get fit as fuck. Below you will find a different array of training methods.

As the saying goes, “methods are many, principles are few, methods may change, but principles never do.” This has just as much validity in training as in everything else in life. There is always a new revolutionary workout programs, exercises, magic pill, supplements, quick fix’s, but the simple truth of the matter is its your hard work that you put in is whats going to produce results. For me HARD WORK is the key. But… No there is no buts, but your sorry ass butt that wont get the results with all the whining that you do. Let me say it once again before I share the workouts of the week; Nothing beats good old fashioned hard work.

Monday Individual Workout
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
4×8 Bench Press +
4×20 Box/Bench Jump Squats (bodyweight) – Start position ass on the box or bench.
Rest 60/90 seconds between each set
4×8 Underhand Close Grip Bent Over Rows or Weighted Chin-ups +
4×8 Single Legged Stiff Legged Deadlift
Rest 60/90 seconds between each set
3×20 Russian Twists
3×15 Hammer Curls
3×20 Reverse Crunches
3×15 Triceps Dips (weighted)
15 minutes Boxing Conditioning Drills
Cool down and Stretch

Monday Group Bodyweight Circuit Training Session
Dynamic Warm-up
Lateral Lunges or Ice Skater Lunges +
Press-ups +
Skipping +
Crunches +
Battling Rope Undulations
90seconds per exercises with 30seconds rest between each exercise
Complete 3 rounds
Rest 5minutes before attempting the Finisher
Mountain Climber +
Burps/Thrusters +
Jump Squats +
High Knees +
6 Point Burpees
1 round 90seconds per exercise no rest
Cool down and Stretch


Tuesday Group Session
Dynamic Warm-up
Dumbbell Renegade Rows +
Dumbbell Supinated Rotational Bent Over Rows +
6 Point Burpees +
Treadmill Sprints @15incline & 12kph
90seconds per exercise 30seconds rest between each exercise
Animal Drills Finisher
Bear Crawls +
Chicken Walks +
Frog Hops +
Tiger Crawls +
Weighted Planks (5-20kg plate on lower back)
Minimal rest each drill 90seconds
Cool down and Stretch

Wednesday Kettlebell Metcon Session
Dynamic Warm-up + Kettlebell Mobility Warm-up
Double Handed Kettlebell Swings +
Rest +
Jumping Jacks +
Rest +
Snatch or High Pulls left arm +
Rest +
Mountain Climbers +
Rest +
Snatch or High Pulls right arm +
Rest +
High Knees +
Clean and Push Press left arm +
Rest +
Crab Kicks +
Rest +
Clean and Push Press +
Rest +
Donkey Kicks +
Rest +
Overhead Squats left arm +
Rest +
V Sit-ups +
Rest +
Overhead Squats right arm +
Rest +
Flutter Kicks +
Rest +
Alternate Swings
45seconds work 15 seconds rest. Total of 15 minutes round. Complete 3 rounds. Rest 2 minutes between each round.
Cool down and Stretch

Lets take a break by hearing out Zach Even Esh about Embrace the Grind


Thursday Javorek’s Whoop Ass Dumbbell Complex
Mobility Warm-up
1x Right Leg Walking Lunge to 3x OVH Press + 1x Left Leg Walking Lunge to 3x Bicep Curls + 1x Left Leg Walking Lunge to 3x High Pull Snatch
5 rounds no rest and do not drop the dumbbell to the floor
Follow it straight with
1x Walking Lunge to 6x OVH Press + 1x Leg Walking Lunge to 6x Bicep Curls + 1x Leg Walking Lunge to 6x High Pull Snatch
Follow it straight away with
12x Deep Walking Lunges (6per leg)
Follow it straight away with
8x Squat Push Press
6x Split Jumps
6x Squat Jumps to Suitcase Trap Pulls
Rest 5 minutes
6x Upright Rows
6x Supinated Curls (Biceps Curls)
6x OVH Rotational Straight Shoulder Press
6x Hammer Curls from Right Leg Forward Lunge
6x Rotational up on toes Squat Push Press (aka Thrusters)
6x Hammer Curls from Left Leg Forward Lunge
6x High Pull Snatch Up on Toes
3×10 Static Half Squat to Shoulder Press
90secs Wall Sits +
90secs Standing Biking @over 72RPM
4 rounds Minimal Rest
Recover – Cool Down and Stretch


Thursday Outdoor Sprint Session
Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
30secs Squats In and Out
10x High Knees 10m Moving forward Knee Pick-ups
10x Glute Kicks 10m Moving forward Glute Kicks
10x B Skips 10m Moving forward B-Skips
10x Walking Lunges 10m Moving forward Walking Lunges
10x Fast Figure 8 Goal Post Sprints
Complete 2 rounds… Active rest
10m Rolling Start 50% Sprint
10m False Start 50% Sprint
3rounds Rest 60seconds per drill
3x 60m Sprint @60%max
3x 60m Sprint @70%max
3x 60m Sprint @80%max
3x 60m Sprint @100%max
Rest between 90secs to 3mins. Depending on recovery rate.
Light jog and stretch out


Friday My Own Personal Backyard Underground Workout
Dynamic Warm-up
10mins Sun Salutation Yoga
Sandbag Workout
8x Shouldering from the floor (8 on each shoulder)
8x Cleans to Zercher Squats
50m OVH Farmers Walk
50m KB Bear Crawls
3 rounds with minimal rest
Cool down and Stretch

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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