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Winning is in the Mind

Winning is a mental thing as much as a physical one. I myself have experienced it where I have gone into a competition with no hunger or desire to win and guess what I lost. Winning is important to me. Thus forth I have researched why some win and others crumble. A team or an individual is stronger than their opponent simply because they have the WILL to win and the WINNING MINDSET. They have dreamed and VISUALISED winning in their minds again and again. It is not by fluke that they win. They have put a lot of practice into it, physically and mentally. With that confidence a winner gets out there and can defeat their opponent before it even begins. In the fight world its in face off where the guys that flinches first usually with take the fall. There is no place for doubt in a winners mind. So go out there and WIN. You simply owe it to yourself first and foremost.

The video below is New Zealand vs. Tonga with both teams performing their pre-game dance. According the All Blacks; “More than any aspect of Maori culture, this complex dance is an expression of the passion, vigour and identity of the race. Haka is not merely a past time of the Maori but was also a custom of high social importance in the welcoming and entertainment of visitors. Tribal reputation rose and fell on their ability to perform the haka (Hamana Mahuika).”

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Valentine Rawat
Personal Trainer · S&C Coach · Official Trainer to Sky1 Obese A Year to Save My Life & SkyLiving FAT: The Fight of My Life I'm a father and a husband, and my girls are my inspiration to be better, do better & continually help others achieve better of themselves.

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