Dynamic Mobility Warm-up
3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise, 15/30 seconds rest
Double Handed Swings
6 point Burpees
3 rounds 60 seconds per exercise, 15/30 seconds rest
Alt Arm Swing
Sprinter Lunge
4 rounds 60 seconds per exercise, 15/30 seconds rest
Side Star Planks
4 rounds 60 seconds, 15/30 seconds rest
Clean & Press
Dying Cockroach
Cool down and Stretch
Body Weight Workout Chaos Heart and Lung Training Circuit Training Conditioning Corrective Training Dynamic Effort Equipment Group Personal Training Leeds High Intensity Training High-Octane Kettlebell Metabolic Conditioning Kettlebells Leeds Group Personal Training Leeds Personal Trainers Martial Arts Metabolic Conditioning Motivation Power Endurance Strength and Conditioning Coach Leeds Strength Training Training Schedule Underground Caveman Training Workouts